divendres, 22 de febrer del 2019

Entrevista a en Gabriel

En Gabriel és un alumne nou de l’institut. Des del teulateam de comunicadors li hem fet
una entrevista i, com que no parla català, li hem fet en anglès:

What’s your name and surname?
Gabriel Elikplim Gbekor
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Ghana, Telma
What are the reasons why you come here?
To study about the other countries
With who do you live?
I live with my parents and my little sister
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I don’t know
Which are the differences between this country and your’s?
The living is a little bit difficult
What’s your favourite singer?
Snoop Dogg
Which interesting hobbies do you have?
Thanks for your cooperation, Gabriel
Your welcome

Entrevista feta per Hugo Maserico 4tB

Redactada per Max Verdaguer 4tB

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